Services - Companies
"Employees that feel better, perform better"
Health Talks, Wellness Workshops and Webinars
We work with you to develop the right workshops depending on the objectives of your business. Workshop subjects include topics such as:
The Principles of Good Nutrition
Foods that boost the immune system
Eating for better energy
Stress management workshops
Eating for a healthy heart, blood pressure and cholesterol
Nutrition strategies for a sharper brain
Road-Warrior Wellness - tips and tricks to staying healthy on the road
For descriptions of each health talk click here.
1:1 onsite Nutritional Therapy Consultations
Intended for individuals seeking personalised clinical nutrition advice and non-pharmaceutical options to address/support their current health concerns or goals. Includes initial nutritional therapy consultation (60-90 mins) and two follow-up sessions (30-45 mins) typically at 4-week intervals, plus bi-weekly telephone check-ins (15 mins). Provides individualised Health Optimisation Plan, Supplementation Advice (if needed), a list of Foods to Focus On and Foods to Reduce.
Diagnostic Testing and Nutritional Supplements may be recommended depending on symptoms and are not included in the price.
Canteen Menu Planning
We work with your team to identify the food choices on the menu that are most likely to zap the energy of your workforce and drive up the reliance on caffeine to get through the day, which is a downward spiral with diminishing returns. We work with you to create a canteen menu that promotes health and productivity while delivering on taste and satisfaction.
Nutrition Coaching for employees'
1-hour confidential consultation that analyses your employee’s current diet in terms of its health creation/disease prevention status. We then provide individualised nutritional advice to help improve the health and productivity of your most important company asset, its people.
*To get the most from this consultation, it is recommended that the client provides a 3-day food diary in advance of the consultation (download here)
Wellness-oriented executive retreats
These can used as perks for your managers to keep them tuned up or they can be customised and integrated into your executive off-site meetings so that your management team come back refreshed, revitalised and renewed. Call to find out more.
Executive Anti-Aging and Wellness MOTs
Comprehensive nutritional and anti-ageing consultation using scientific testing from Genova Diagnostics and MyDNAhealth™ to evaluate your nutritional status and key genetic predispositions to create a personalised health and nutrition programme in order to slow down the aging process and optimise your genetic potential.