Services - Individuals

nutritional therapy bundle - £297

This programme is intended for individuals seeking personalised clinical nutrition advice and non-pharmaceutical options to address ongoing health concerns. It includes 3 consultations [an initial nutritional therapy consultation (<90 mins) and two follow up sessions (<45 mins each) typically at 4-week intervals], plus two telephone check-ins in between each follow up (15 mins each). You will receive an individualised Health Optimisation Plan, targeted supplementation advice, a list of Foods to Focus On, Foods to Reduce and recipes if needed.

Diagnostic Testing and Nutritional Supplements may be recommended depending on symptoms and are not included in the price.

*To get the most from this consultation, it is recommended that the client submit a completed Nutritional Therapy Questionnaire and a 3-day Food Diary within 24 hours of the initial consultation, if possible (download here).

nutrition coach - £167

This programme is intended for those that want to enhance their health and their knowledge of nutrition. We start with a 1-hour consultation* to ascertain your level of understanding and analyse the strengths and weaknesses of your current diet in terms of its potential to promote health. We provide you with an individualised nutrition plan with foods-to-focus-on, foods-to-reduce, and lifestyle tips if needed to help you reach your health goals.

We then schedule two further telephone/skype follow-up appointments (<30 minutes each) over the next 4-weeks to review your progress, answer questions, explore solutions to any challenges and give you the tools, the knowledge and the confidence to keep you on-track. 

*To get the most from this consultation, it is recommended that the client provides a 3-day food diary in advance of the initial consultation (download here).

nutritional therapy plus nutrigenomic testing - £496

Nutritional Therapy programme as above, including nutrigenomics testing from MyDNA Health®, an award winning company providing DNA tests for a personalised, science-based approach to nutrition, prevention and wellbeing in order to optimise your genetic potential. We test only for actionable genes that have an epigenetic factor to them i.e. their expression can be modified through lifestyle and nutrition. Your detailed DNA report will include personalised, colour-coded genotype results that are interpreted and presented in an easy-to-understand report which includes recommendations for lifestyle, nutrition and exercise modifications.

To learn more about Nutrigenomics click here.
View a sample MyDNAHealth® report here.

Comprehensive Nutritional Evaluation - £997

Nutritional Therapy programme as above, including Genova's NutrEval® diagnostic test. This test provides precisely measured insights into your nutritional status and your functional need for specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fats in order to more accurately target your individualised nutrition programme to accelerate results. You will receive a detailed interpretation and analysis of the test results in addition to your full nutrition programme. Nutrigenomics testing can be added for an additional £249.

View a sample NutrEval® report here.

Anti-Aging Research - £597

Are you older or younger than your years? We now know that only 54% of ageing is determined by your genes. The other 46% is determined by diet and lifestyle factors, therefore, how fast or slow you age is not fixed.  GlycanAge® is a patented, science-based laboratory test that defines the difference between your biological and chronological age. 

Saffron Wellness is working with GlycanAge on a ground-breaking research project into anti-ageing. The programme runs for 6-months and approved participants will need to provide 3 blood samples over this period. The value of the three tests alone is £1,800 and as part of this project you will receive 3 nutritional therapy consultations, a full health optimisation programme and the before and after results of your biological age for a total price of £597. If you are interested in participating or would like to know more, please contact us.

To view a sample GlycanAge report, click here.

total Health Optimisation programme - £1,376

The full monty! - This service provides a Comprehensive Nutritional Evaluation as above with 3 nutritional therapy consultations and a NutrEval® test from Genova Diagnostics to evaluate any deficiencies for specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids. The service also includes nutrigenomics testing from MyDNAhealth™️ to identify key genetic predispositions that can be addressed with diet and lifestyle modifications. The outcome is to create a customised health and nutrition programme designed specifically to target your nutritional status and support your genes in order to slow down the ageing process and optimise your genetic potential. This package comes with 3 integrative coaching sessions provided by Javelin Coaching to help you identify and remove any blocks that may get in the way and arm you with the personal tools and strategy to execute your programme for optimum health.

Integrative Coaching - in partnership with Javelin Coaching - £180

An integrative coach can help you identify any blocks or barriers that may be keeping you stuck or causing you to sabotage your goals.  A series of 3 x 1-hour sessions are scheduled in between your nutritional coaching or therapy consultations and can be done over Skype, FaceTime or telephone. These sessions can make all the difference to helping you execute your wellness programme and stay on track to achieve faster results.

Nutrition Tune up - £85

This service is available for those who have completed one of the services above and require a nutrition "tune up" designed to update a previous nutrition programme and re-evaluate progress. The service includes a 1-hour consultation* (in-person, telephone or Skype) that analyses the strengths and weaknesses of your current diet and provides you with an updated individualised nutrition plan with foods-to-focus-on, foods-to-reduce, and recipes if needed to help you reach your current health goals.

*To get the most from this consultation, it is recommended that the client provides a 3-day food diary in advance of the consultation (download here)