Social Media “Youth Impact” Study


About the Research

The study aims to explore the impact that social media use may be having on the younger generation. It will compare social media usage patterns of high school students (age 13-18) with various aspects of health and well being. Involvement is voluntary and all surveys are anonymous.

Students are being given the opportunity to voluntarily take a break from Social Media for the month of January 2020. Participants will be asked to complete a short online survey in early December and will log off from all social media platforms on the 1st of January ‘til the 1st of February. A follow up survey will be completed and the results will be analysed and shared with all participating schools shortly thereafter.


Information Sheet
for Parents

Download here

Powerpoint Slides to promote at Assembly

Download here


Watch the Video
for Students

Access here


Click here to Take the Survey Now (closes 31 December 2019)

Note: this survey has now been closed. However, you can take the follow up survey here.

If you would like to know how your school can participate please email us at